This Website is all about IBSH school lunch, including the monthly menu, announcement and the ordering. If you have any question about the school lunch, please contact IBSH Sanitation Section
03*5777011#294 or

Monday, July 8, 2019

Note for ordering school lunch 訂購午餐注意事項

Note for ordering school lunch  訂購午餐注意事項

  1.  All the ordering is only available on-line, so that we can avoid any error of message transmission.
  2. Sanitation coordinator will send you an e-mail in 2 days to confirm your order (not including Saturday and Sunday).
  3. If you don't receive any e-mail from Sanitation coordinator in 2 days, please e-mail or call to Ms. Savannah (03-5777011 ex: 294).
    如果您在兩日內沒有收到任何確認信件,還請您來信至savannah@ibsh 或是來電至03-57777011(分機294)找李慧中老師詢問。
  4. The sanitation coordinator will make the payment slip and give it to your child in the 1st month of the semester.  Please pay the money after you get the payment slip. 
  5. The food-service company provide vegetarian meal with lunch box for vegetarians.
  6. If your child is allergic to certain food seriously, it is suggested that the parents prepare the lunch for the child.  The food-service company doesn't provide customized menu for particular individual.


Lunch Fee 午餐費用

  • NT$ 48/meal for each Grade 1~4 student 1~4年級學生:每人每餐48元
  • NT$ 53/meal for each Grade 5~12 student5~12年級學生:每人每餐53元  


The regulations of ordering and canceling school lunch.

  1.  The ordering for school lunch is for "entire semester". 
  2. All the ordering is for every school day.  The food-service company doesn't provide the options for students to choose certain school days to have school lunch.
  3. If you want to cancel the school lunch for the rest of the semester, please e-mail to sanitation coordinator 2 weeks before your cancellation. 
  4.  Any particular lunch cancellation should be proposed to sanitation Section 2 weeks before.  Please propose it as "entire grade" or "entire class".     The food-service company doesn't accept any individual cancellation for less than 3 days.
  5. If any individual needs to cancel school lunch temperately, the cancellation periods should be longer than 5 days.   Please propose the individual cancellation at least 2 weeks before.
